First Baptist Church is an independent Baptist Church, making its own decisions about staffing, worship, ministry, outreach, and the programs it offers and supports. We are also a Bible believing KJV church, and believe that the KJB is God's preserved Word for English speaking people and maintains all the authority and power God placed on and in His Words. We hold the King James Bible to be the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  • We are an independent, fundamental, Bible Believing Baptist Church, striving to equip believers to do the work of the ministry of making disciples (leading people to Christ and helping them to become mature Christians).Our Church Covenant
  • We believe the Bible is our total source for faith and practice. The Scriptures
  • We believe and hold to the five fundamentals of the faith: The Doctrines of our Faith
    1. Inspiration and inerrancy of scripture.
    2. Virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
    3. Deity of Jesus Christ.
    4. Substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for our sins.
    5. Literal, physical resurrection and return of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe and hold to the Baptist Distinctives: The Baptist Distinctives
    B - Born again, baptized by immersion, membership
    A - Autonomy of the local church
    P - Priesthood of the believer
    T - Two ordinances - baptism and communion
     I - Inspiration of scripture
    S - Separation of church and state
    T - Total dependence upon the Spirit
    S - Soul liberty



Gary Alberding

Pastor Emeritus

David L. Brown

Service Times

Sunday Services:

Sunday School

9:30 AM

Morning Service

10:45 AM

Evening Service

6:15 PM

Wednesday Service:

Evening Service

7:00 PM

10550 South Howell Ave.
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154

(414) 762-7575


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